Initially, training occurs during school hours, once the student has been assessed as being ‘safe’ at road crossings, orientation, having protective behaviours, and using transport, they progress to an independent travel phase completed in real-time. The student is closely monitored and supported by specialist staff at all stages.
Ultimately, travel training increases student independence and assists in building self-esteem and confidence. This provides a valuable scaffold for future independence and opportunities. The student is supported in generalising and transferring the taught skills to use multiple forms of public transport. This enables them to access the community, work placements, further education pathways, and employment when they have completed school.
Individual student referrals are generated from My Plan meetings and involve all stakeholders: students, family/guardians, and class teachers. The Transport Co-ordinator researches and develops the safest route for the student from an origin to their destination, typically home to school or school to work placement and return.
Carers will receive a Travel Training Package once a plan has been established. This includes permissions to be signed, a Parent Information Kit, and a detailed schedule.
Staff support students throughout this entire process. It typically involves safely crossing roads, identifying safe places, walking selected routes from destinations to public transport stops (bus/train) and catching public transport. Initially, training involves one-on-one supervision and support that is gradually reduced until the student catches public transport to and from selected destinations independently.
This multi-faceted program includes mobile phone communication and travel safety, such as what to do in an emergency or problem-solving on the journey. Information is recorded on the assessment for each travel skill identified in the plan.
Absentee SMS (only) line: 0437 519 299 Phone Number: 08 9237 6870